All Cailins hair bows some hand made others bought Hair bows for baby shower for sister-in-law Blanket for Jillyn, she helped... Some of the many things I've been working on to keep me busy, for a baby shower and Christmas.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Happy Halloween
I need to go potty.....
Cailin helping mom with some rolls
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Monday, August 3, 2009
Cailin had so much to she loved sleeping in the tent and she even went on ATV ride with everyone.
Over this past weekend our little family of three went up to big springs and my parents came as well as Jillyn, Ryan and Sadie. we all so much fun it was nice to get way and spend with Jason before he went back to work.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Cailin in her groovy sun glasses she was so cute in her glasses she loves to wear them allot...
So over the 4th of July Cailin and I went up to the mountains with my parents to spend time with the Johnson family we had fun and Cailin loved being out side all day.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Saturday, June 13, 2009
She didn't like being in the middle of all the bubbles she got scared and we had to go in side:(
Cailin playing with her new bubble maker that Grandpa and Ma McQuivey got Jason for fathers day. she loves to go out side and play with it. Thank you mom and dad:)
Thursday, June 11, 2009
I'm coming to get you daddy....
Cailin giving her daddy kisses, she loves her daddy
Cailin and her daddy out side having some fun before he leaves..
Daddy playing bubbles with Cailin
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Here our some pictures of Cailin playing out side, she loved it. She loves to be out doors.
Memorial weekend my parent and Cailin, and I went camping up in Idaho with my dads family, we all had so much fun... Even though it rained on us most of the time we had fun..